Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Planters in the snow

Quite a bit of snow overnight, so after breakfast, a neighbour and I cleared the pavements, and some parts of the road.It means I have more than met my weekly target of 210 minutes of moderate activity. 270 minutes.

Morning coffee is supplemented with a bar of chocolate. After which I backblip Friday and Saturday. In between some snow showers, I take my blip of some planters in the front garden. I need to get some stones before using them to hold some plants. During lunch, I watch the greenfinches on the bird feeder. the photos aren't very clear though. The light is too low to get an image without movement blur or too much noise.

After lunch, its down to Morningside to visit the charity shops. The wind isn't as keen as yesterday. As Morningside is lower down the hill, there is much less snow, and the pavements clear of snow. My very nice flat white coffee is accompanied with a nice piece of carrot cake.

Sunday evening means works clothing ironing. Combined with my afternoon walking, I have done 334 minutes of activities this week.

The threat of ice tonight means no bike tomorrow.

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