The Before Photo.... can guess what came next!

It has been a really depressing and stressful week, with The Big O descending on us for two days, thus no posting. Usually an Ofsted visit doesn’t bother me....this one did.....due to the nature and manner of the Inspector. She was proper old school; massively negative, harsh, nit-picky and one of the reasons why Ofsted gets a bad name. She demoralised me, my wonderful staff and scared some of the does the recent work and focus on mental well-being fit with this regime? Don’t get me wrong, some of the things she said were fair, she just could have said them in a different way. Anyway, it’s done now....just got to wait for the actual report.

Then we had two days to get ready for our biggest fundraiser....more critical than ever due to shrinking budgets and the current government agenda against small village schools. The children, and staff, have tray baked to help create 1200 pieces of cake, alongside prepping and chopping enough vegetables to make enough soup for 700 people!

We shopped for provisions, ensured the pit stops had enough provisions and equipment and set up the pavilion to serve food to people in......then got to have a sit down.

Roll on the race tomorrow :)

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