Hello Mr Blue Sky
30 Day Challenge Revisited by Him
day 11 - something Blue
Despite -3 temperatures and flurries of snow we rose early, did the shopping and then headed to the allotment.
Himself was super keen me not so - my insides had been hurting me since EATING night with K the night before. Too Much Food !!!
We were only going to look at the potatoes he planted last weekend. I was happy to sit in the warmth of the poly tunnel on the haybale while he pottered.
He was distraught to discover that someone had been eating our potatoes. :(. I was kinda curious to know why they ate one type and not the other
In between flurries the sun came out and shone and the sky was blue. I couldn’t reconcile the blue sky and the cold. My brain couldn’t cope
But it was lovely to see bright skies!
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