Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Blown here and there

What a wind fate is, blowing you here and there, giving heavy and pregnant fullness to the sails of your ship, cast adrift upon life's maddening seas. From what wanton mistress does fortune spring, an easy step or gentle journey.....yes.....but you don't remember such casual days.

From pillar to post I was blown today, feeling very little control at the tiller of the 'good ship' Pete! Some days are like that I guess. Here you are....minding your own business and fate decides to throw a tempest your way.....not very polite!!!!!

Anyway, after such calamity as would turn a Nuns mouth blue, I find myself home and, bag-less, generally miffed and very much put out tomorrow morning... but hey! thats life....right!?

Tomorrow is another day and all will be well in the morning.......ready to be blown again like a leaf on a breeze!!

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