Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

White sky

This really was the colour of the sky today.

Flat white.
Not even with the promise of snow.
No cloud variation just white.

In other news I almost killed and old Lady. (Not deliberately)

While walking at lunchtime there were two older ladies in front of me.
One had a shopping trolly and the other a walking stick.
I felt a sneeze coming on and tried to supress it but that made it worse.

Apparently I sneeze very loudly.
The lady with the walking sick actually jumped and screamed!!!! and then slumped over her walking stick.

I rushed to apologise and we had a laugh but she did joke that she had just come out of hospital and asked if I was trying to send her straight back there!

Guess I am not safe to be out on the streets :-))

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