Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Mini beast!

Hats off to you Yorkshire. You're doing a fantastic job of making Spring look and feel suspiciously like Winter. The snowy pavements, trees and fields combined with hanging icicles from cars, walls and guttering make a big contribution. The almost painfully cold wind definitely seals it. You've perfected Spring disguised as how about you work on proving you can do Spring too!! Looking at the current heavy snow falling from the sky it appears unlikely...!

A bitterly cold, snow filled day - my face and fingers lost all feeling as I strolled!! However, I've also enjoyed a cinema trip to see the new Peter Rabbit film. I very rarely go to the cinema but the adverts really made the film appeal. I was not disappointed! The film is set largely in Windermere making for a stunning backdrop throughout and I enjoyed seeing the shops of Bowness and Windermere too. 
The film itself is witty, clever, charming, funny and heart warming. Perfect! 

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