Return to the North

By Viking

Texture and light

Sis and I headed into town today to a gallery called 20/21, a superb council owned place. Our brother had been last night to see an exhibition by Lee Coleman (who he used to work many moons ago). We saw one of his pieces on Facebook last night and decided to go in and see for ourselves. His work is indeed excellent -framed mixed media images of faceless men in suits in various poses. The predominant colours in the pieces all being shade of black, grey and white. The heads being a plain grey ball. Really very interesting and would certainly have so,e of them on my wall (average price around £1500!)
For blip purposes my shots were rubbish because the light was shining on the glass of the pictures so had to seek inspiration elsewhere.And what inspiration I found. This artist is called Naseem Darbey and she has done some amazing pieces
“We are saved by loss” made with silk fabric, thread, UV and RGB lighting,
The pieces varied in size but all were intricate and colourful. I was immediately attracted to the ones with purples and blues in them but I have chosen this shot because it looks like it’s sliding into shot , almost lava like

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