
By NickyH

Day 297

I asked H what he wanted to do today. His reply was stay at home all day and remain in his pjs. He was adamant. So that's what we did.

We made some wooden spoon puppets (from a kit I bought - I'm not that 'crafty'!), he drew a mountain of pictures, we watched a film, and then he said he needed a new treasure box as apparently his existing one is full (oh, to have too much treasure). So out came an old shoe box and H's huge supply of glue, paint, glitter and all things arty, and the new treasure box was created.

This shot is one of the (many) coloured feathers he stuck onto the box. I thought it looked weird and a bit like coral under water.

Off to tidy up the mess now. My dining room table looks like an explosion in Lily Savage's dressing room...

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