Just the Withers......

By JaneW

650 .. Downhill run to ....

My two years on blip ... I set out to do 100 in a row ... Became addicted and now I am a slave to my journal.I wonder what I shall do in January when I reach the 730 ?

Cake rules this house... See my ingredients turned up with the shopping this evening so on Saturday my fruity apricot cake for Christmas shall be made .. I just LOVE making Christmas cakes.
My elf looks a bit shifty mind.
The elf (Lucy) has had a good school report for her first half term... She's a good learning elf who is a good girl so we are pleased with her !!!!
So I suppose you are wondering what snack Wednesday involved ?? Well it was M&S sarnies 2 iced currant buns and a pack of doughnut yum yums ... We took it easy today.

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