And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

mm mm!

Fish N chips with HP :)

I cant believe I made it to work today and really enjoyed it, as you know I missed 2 weeks with holiday then I missed last week with illness so deep down I thought I wouldn't make it but hooray I did. I made a double choc cake with walnut topping, and a large madeira cake, then I helped out in the bistro it was a good day. Then I went for asthma review all is well on that front. Then I told her about the boils so she booked me straight in to see doc result! you normally have to wait 3 week to see a doc. anyway im on penicillin four times a day till they go.

going to mere tomoz so should get a decent blip.

love c x x x hahahaha its my 300th what a wolly just realised xx

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