Garden Club goodies

I was on the "Hospitality Committee" today for our first Garden Club meeting of 2018. This was my offering for the refreshment table.

We had a wonderful evening last night listening to Pete Souza explain his role as official photographer for each of President Obama's presidential terms of office. Eight years, 10-12 hour days , 'making' was the word he used, not 'taking' photographs of very facet of each day as it unfolded. He was a junior photographer in the Reagan Administration as well and had photographed Obama when he was a Senator. Sousa's photographs capture the essence the man who used to live in our White House. 

I think the night was too late for T, she didn't feel great this morning, and worked from home. This is bug is dragging on and on.

My spots where my dermatologist used liquid nitrogen are blistered and nasty, especially the one on my check. Nice for the Garden Club meeting, but most there have had something similar, being gardeners.

For the Record,
This day came in cold and frosty with lovely march sun that warmed things up and melted more snow. I dare say this, but there is a mention of another storm next week...

All hands interested in Mueller's latest subpoena of Trump's business records.

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