
In this corner of the kitchen there used to be one of those big American fridges. When I moved back into the house, my ex took it with her (which was fine; I think her mum paid for it) and I initially considered buying something similar as a replacement. 

But, actually, I'd got on perfectly well with the far smaller (European?) fridge that I bought when I moved into the cottage and that fitted perfectly into the utility room so I decided to stick with that. (You can see it through the doorway, covered in fridge magnets of my Instagram photos.)

It was the Minx who suggested that we could use the space for the dining table and chairs that I'd bought for the cottage. I was initially dubious but it's worked out brilliantly. Sometimes I sit here and blog while a meal is cooking and sometimes Dan and Abi will come and keep me company while I'm preparing a meal. 

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Reading: 'Lincoln In The Bardo'

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