By wellsforzoe

24th February, 2018:

Open wells are sources of water in this area. People drink unsafe water from this source. This causes them to be suffering from waterborne diseases like diarrhoea. Now people are extremely happy for the donation of clean and safe water. The other problem is that, they don't have preschools and kids are just playing at home due to lack of preschools so they ask for a help if possible. They wish WfZ long life.


District:  Mzimba
Area:  Lusangazi
Village:  Lazaro
Distance from factory: 20 kms
Depth of well: 3.9 meters
Former water source:  open well
Furthest from well:  500  meters
Number served: 104 families
Preschool:  none
Primary school: 30 mins
Secondary school:  30 mins.
S: 11   31  21
E: 33  57   36


Brenda Chirwa: 0884255695


Ann and Brian Spring Co. NA Gaillimhe

Pump Number

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