Day 074/18. Homage to Ken Dodd.
One of the UK's finest comedians died this week. I recreated my favourite one line joke from Ken Dodd:
What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day for sticking a cucumber through someone’s letter box and shouting: ‘Help, help, the Martians have landed.’
And a few more from Ken:
The man who invented cat’s eyes got the idea when he saw a cat facing him in the road. If the cat had been facing the other way, he’d have invented the pencil sharpener
Tonight when you get home, put a handful of ice cubes down your wife's nightie and say: 'There's the chest freezer you always wanted’
My Dad knew I was going to be a comedian. When I was a baby he said: ‘Is this a joke?’
I have kleptomania. But when it gets bad, I take something for it.
If you want a few laughs today, just google Ken Dodd one-liners.
Farewell Ken, thanks for the laughts.
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