Strong Parrot

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

My coffee cup came today with a picture of a kea on it. If you did not know, the kea is a species of especially naughty parrot, prone to acts of vandalism. Like these ones who caused traffic chaos by rearranging traffic cones. 

I think it is very sweet that the local council built them their own kea gym to keep them out of mischief.

Kea remind me of my friend Ross's story about a bloke who got a tattoo on his arm that read, "Kia Kaha". This is a popular phrase in New Zealand and means "Stay Strong" in Maori. 

Except the bloke who did the tattooing spelled it wrong. And the guy got "Kea Kaha" by mistake. "Which means he's got 'Strong Parrot' written on his arm," said Ross.

I like naughty animals. I think they are very funny, which is why there is no discipline in our house. It is most notable in Jasper who will literally see me coming - clock my approach - and FLY across the room to steal my seat. Then he lays flat and pretends he has been asleep for just AGES.

It's funny every single time he does it. 

But my favourite naughty animal story is the one about Trumpkin the Yodelling Basenji dog. I related it to Princess Normal on the phone on Monday night, so I shan't repeat it today. However, I recommend you listen to the story from the horse's mouth here.

And if you would like to hear a Basenji Dog yodel - thank goodness for YouTube.


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