What makes me tick?  Curiosity - I'm curious about all kinds of things, like:
- what is it about golf that attracts so many people?  :)
- how do things work?  That's why I like to take things apart to see the insides
- would this ingredient be a good substitute for the original in a recipe?
- what are people interested in?  I love seeing people's blips and reading about their interests
- what motivates people to behave they way they do?  I ask myself that question about the current US president every day
- what's it all about, Alfie? 
The little questions, the big questions.  Millions of questions, some with immediate answers, some that require lots of thinking to come up with an answer that satisfies me, some that will never be answered but intrigue me to ponder.
Nosey Nanzy, and a tough challenge this week because I'm curious about what DOES make me tick.  

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