
These three don't normally come to say hello when I get home from work. But they kindly posed for me as I'd forgotten to take a blip photo during the day.

My blip photo should have been my lovely friend Joanne who made an on the spur of the moment shopping trip to Norwich from her home in March, and we met for lunch and a catch up. It was a lovely surprise and boost for me. We were so busy chatting I didn't think to take her photo. Too soon I had to head back to work and let Joanne get on with her retail therapy.

Work seems suddenly busy and I'm feeling not in control of it. I guess that may be contributing to the latest headache which arrived yesterday and has been trying hard to establish itself today. It seems to be winning.

I left at 5 and my tea was ready when I got home. I'm out at 7.20 to tap in Aylsham. I missed it the last 2 weeks so have to go tonight. It's unfortunate that it is on a Wednesday as I always seem to feel extra tired on a Wednesday, but I know I'll feel happier if I make the effort to go. Time for a 40 minute nap then....

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