Stepping Out

It was a horrible light drizzle this morning when I went out with PD, so I put an extension tube in my pocket with the wee camera fitted with 20mm lens (it fits easily in the pocket to keep it dry).
There were no photogenic drops anywhere but I did stop at the dead tree with the tiny fungi on it. Each one is about 5mm across and the trunk is covered in them growing in lines up the trunk.

When I got home I took SWMBO's vase of flowers upstairs and set to taking some shots.
I am not a lover of the smell of hyacinths so I just took out one tulip and stuck it in a suitable vase before setting everything else aside.
Just using the window light was a wee bit boring - so I got a small torch and used that in different positions to give different effects (there are a couple more if you want to look around).

PD and I went down to the pond at lunchtime to see how much it has changed since the Woodland Trust had to do some tree work for safety sake. 
There are quite a few have been taken down completely and quite a few are now just trunks - I am not sure if the trunks are going to be left or taken down.
Call me weird - but in this one I can see a Viking longboat figurehead, an elephant and a cayman crocodile.

Bags' cat had 3 teeth removed - her purse had a wad of notes removed (a large wad).
In our house Jay is getting braver and braver when it comes to getting near PD.

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