Driving over the Alps

A blanket of snow, look at the layers, fascinating.

A good drive over, two lanes often very narrow, snowing at the highest post with a wet decent into Italy, and that’s the way it stayed all night. Loved it all.

Notes taken that evening.
Over the Alps 11 03 18
A good bright start following a reasonable night after listening to strange sounds in the early hours from a tannoy we think but didn’t find out what. We drove over the Alps heading towards St Moritz, who would have thought it, stopping off for LPG and croissants early on. Once past the 2,284 M post the scenery became wind blown, wet with a steep hairpin decent, an interesting experience where winter tyres might have been sensible but ....

In recent days we have crossed the borders of France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and running along the border of Liechtenstein for a few kilometres.

No amount of research provided information about the state of roads over the Alps, possibly because they were fine. This was the questionable point in the journey (well after setting off in dubious conditions from Scotland) and here we are at the far end of Lake Como in Lecco, in pouring ring rain, giggling like children. Tomorrow is another day.

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