My Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday Jumping Bean Boy. Four years old today. Four years of precious.

Happy Fourth Anniversary to us of becoming parents! We've survived four years of looking after a small person! (If I wasn't full of man-flu I'd be celebrating with a beer; as it is, I may have a wee dram of whisky later if I don't fall asleep with the kids!)

This morning Ben was very excited, showing me his feet and his hands, "Mummy LOOK! Look at my feet! Look my hands! They're BIG, mummy!" Bless him, he genuinely thinks he's grown, literally physically, into a big boy overnight!

We had tots this morning where Ben had Happy Birthday sung to him, a skype call with Gran and Grandad while Ben opened his birthday box, an afternoon of building his fire and police station, a birthday tea with friends and neighbours, a short but crazy evening looking after seven kids, a skype call with Grandma and Grandad to show them his fire and police station, and although Charley begged for bed Ben is having a stay up and play evening with his haul of new toys.

I love you Beany Boy. I love how excitable you are. I love how expressive your face is, I love how much you wear your heart on your sleeve. I love how you are growing into such a confident little-big boy. I love that we still have our cuddles, I love that you seek out my hand to hold. I love that you love to be with us. I love how much you love your little brother, I am loving watching your relationship grow and evolve. I love how you have to climb everything, I love your songs, your monologues when you play, I love your imagination! I love how much you like chocolate :) I love how you and Daddy play together. I love how you and Charley play together, I love the squeals of joy that you get out of him! I love how bossy you can be, it makes me laugh although I know I shouldn't. I love how serious you are. I love how friendly you are and how you make friends with all the random children we meet in cafes and at shops. I love how you randomly tell me you love me. I love how you actively share everything you have with us and with Charley. There are so many more things I love about you, Beany Boy. But most of all, I LOVE YOU.

Happy Birthday Benjamin. Keep on being your special self :)

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