I like...

...the Fangle’s expression in this one.

Found ourselves up at the Macrobert again this afternoon for a sneaky wee coffee...and the customary cheese toastie for him. We were joined by his big brother...not the biggest one...the middle one, Rooster.

The biggest one did manage to get out of his pyjamas for a wee while today though and put some clothes on. It was a refreshing change!

We had been up to the cemetery to take some flowers to my Mammy on this Mothering Sunday. Then we took the Weim for a wee dauner round Airthrey Loch.

Before we left the house he had asked, “Any chance of a coff-ae?” To which I had replied, “Perhaps!” I think it is the only reason we got his company today:-)

Grateful for a wee Sunday afternoon stroll and a sneaky wee coffee.

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