Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Angel fish

Haven't blipped my fish for a very long time, so here is one of my angels checking out the view.
The weather has been much nicer today for Mothering Sunday.
#1 daughter popped in with #2 granddaughter and a beautiful planted basket for me. #2 granddaughter and son in law were at Hillend skiing, and popped in later on which was lovely.

#2 daughter has had an amazing day, she's training for a marathon next month so today went to Inverness to compete in her first half marathon, hoping to clear 2 hours... She managed 1 hour 45 minutes which is fantastic and bodes well for Milan next month, I'm going to go with her to hold her jacket lol! She's worked really hard for this, so has deserved a good result.
What a great couple of daughters we have.

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