
By aragon69

William Wilberforce

I find the history of the slave trade rather interesting and repulsive at the same time. And there is no other more synonymous with the slave trade or more accurately its abolition than the great man William Wilberforce. Like most i came across the history of this chap when i was at school, and later when i did my degree in English & History.
I often sit and ponder if i could meet anyone from history who would i choose, Well William Wilberforce is one of those names that pop up every time, as does Robert Owen, Roger Fenton and Mary Wollstonecraft. 
Today i got to see where William Wilberforce's life began in the very house he was born in, now known as Wilberforce House in Hull. What an amazing museum, not only does it tell his story but that of the millions of slaves that were transported around the world against their will. Its a moving experience, looking at the way fellow human beings treated others in such an horrific and disgusting way. I found this quote by William Wilberforce and thought it was still very apt in todays society.

"Selfishness is one of the principal fruits of the corruption of human nature; and it is obvious that selfishness disposes us to over-rate our good qualities, and to overlook or extenuate our defects."

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