
By Mindseye

Watching Waybaloos

..........sat on Grandads knee :-)

We slept ok and were up and on the road by 10, as we were off to Congleton for our planned visit to middle son, DiL, Isabella and later after school,Olivia :-)

The weather wasnt quite as good as we hoped, hub and son had jobs to do outdoors, which despite it being cold and damp, got done.

Isabella was so pleased to see us, despite having seen us on Wednesday ;-) We all went out for lunch, then popped to a local garden centre for Mother Day "stuff" which son snook upstairs, only for Isabella to bring them down again and give them to Mummy all by herself lol ;-)

The girls have a new kitten called Tigger, and as its been so cold recently, their little girl rabbit, named Boy, by Olivia, has been living indoors too. They are still finding their way together, as you can see in the extra :-)

We went with son to collect Olivia from school, she was also very pleased to see us :-) Once back home, I played on the trampoline with them both...I was the Monster trying to catch them :-0 ( now theres a sight you dont see everyday lol!)

We stayed until around 6.30 to let the rush hour traffic die down a little, and had a reasonably good run home.

I was really tired later on and fell into bed not long after 11, which is early for me ;-)

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