A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Time for requests

Carl had a very early start which seemed to rub off on me and I found myself sorting out a cupboard before school and still having time for this hair request. Have just completed the last task of the day and I'm delighted to report that we now have a playlist for Saturday. We've had lots of fun putting it together so hopefully it will do the job on Saturday but even if no-one pays any attention to it, we'll have it for ourselves. Even of there are a couple of tracks that male Carl roll his eyes and a very indulgent one from me for him.

And now it's time to catch up with Downton.

Oh, though first I do just want to note for my own record that I went for a swim today. It was fab and I'm really glad I did but it's been a while since the last one and it was very hard.

Lesley x

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