Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Hello Daisy


Nothing much done today, except watching rugby. A rather disappointing afternoon for Scotland fans, but well done Ireland - winning the whole tournament before the final weekend. My mum was Irish, so I'm pleased enough.

This morning we noticed scratches all over the path. My first thought was that some vandal had come and done it during the night. (Elizabeth suggested 'wolves' which gave me a chuckle - she meant 'foxes'.) But this was not a million miles from the truth - it WAS indeed a vandal - MOI! I must have done it when I cleared the snow off the path using the spade? DUH!! (Perhaps I can blame my vandalism on a dizzy attack...)

But it's quite weird that we haven’t noticed till today, more than a week later... I do hope the chap who laid them has some idea how to limit the damage. Fingers crossed, or JR may never talk to me again.

Archie drags around his new toy, Daisy the cow, which looks hilarious. Daisy has some vital cow features missing. She was given to him on his birthday by Molly the Collie. When I ask him, 'Where's Daisy?' He looks puzzled, then rushes to the window to see if 'Daisy' is coming in the gate! Love the expression.

Looking slightly happier less grumpy - see extra.

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