
Admittedly, I've been a bit uninspired recently with my daily Blips, and today is no different. Blame the weather, perhaps. But today was taken up with a failed HDD. Not a major issue, since everything is backed up three ways, but I'd always wanted to explore the innards of my trusty six year old iMac. 

It was surprisingly easy to remove the screen from its magnetic seal with an old computer floor tile sucker. The (to modern eyes) huge 3.5" 1TB HDD came out easily and I replaced it with a 2TB. I'll need to wash the bike tomorrow...

Harder to reconnect all the fiddly little cables but then the big switch. It was delightful to see the machine boot up again and immediately tell me I had an uninitialised HDD and would I like to set it up, and by the way would I like to restore from the Time Machine backups?

For am moment I had been wondering if I needed to buy a nice shiny new computer... But if it ain't busted.

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