Do this...

The Parish Church of Glenaray and Inveraray dominates the town sitting as it does in the middle of the road  in the town and at the top of a slight brae up which traffic comes on its way along Loch Fyne.

I was there at lunchtime to see the work being done by the community to envision their own future and I hope to support them as this commendable approach goes forward.

The event was held in what is now the Church Hall which was the Gaelic Church as this unique building formerly held two identical churches with their  own entrances at opposite ends of the building. - one for services in English and one for services in Gaelic.   

The side window looks over to Inveraray Jail, now a much visited attraction  and I was struck by this slightly stormy view not least because the candle sticks and a little model of the church (complete with steeple which was actually taken down as unsafe in 1941) are standing on a a beautiful communion table which has been placed in front of the window and which has the Gaelic words Deannaibh so mar chuimhneachan ormsa   carved  along the front of it.

They are from the  litany of the  Sacrament and are the translation of the English phrase  -  "Do this in remembrance of me".  

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