The story so far...



At four and a half months cam is still a bit of a vegetable. He can stamp his feet and wave his arms frantically but rolling is not his forte. He can roll on to his side (left side only) and tilt his head but that's as far as he goes.
Mummy and cam had a discussion today a decided that due to his vegetable state he shall now be called potato.
In an aid to help him, mummy and a group of cam's favourite toys (creepy frog, elli, horsy and his ball with a bell in) now only sit on his left side and at head end. As he is a nosey parker he is constantly intrigued as to what we are all doing there. However when he attempts to roll and then realises he can't reach us so rolls back and tries to eat his hands.
Hmm not quite getting the hang of this game cam, we will have to keep trying!

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