Julius Caesar... really!
Off to that London on that morning train. And arriving just after midday we headed straight to the Hayward to go get some art viewing in.
We were there to see that Gursky chap’s exhibition - some of which I liked very much. Particularly the ‘Sunday pictures’ which contained tiny figures - "representatives of a species, whose mission remains obscure." The later stuff.. a lesson for anyone - stick at what you’re good at.
So into the hotel with picture postcard views of Tower Bridge and after an aperitif with a crown top, it was out for a bite and on to the Bridge Theatre to see Julius Caesar. And I’ve got to say it was brilliant - I mean off the meter brilliant. We were the Roman mob, and right from the start plunged into a pro-Caesar rally with the band kicking out Twisted Sister’s We’re Not Gonna Take It. And verily, did it not roll on from there. David Morrissey as Mark Antony was just superb, a clever populist of quickly forgotten promises; perfect for our times.
And back via a swifty with my new friend James in the Anchor Tap. With his Ferrari, massive yacht and collapsed marriage. I have his business card if anyone is interested. He’d probably appreciate some lithium carbonate too, poor fellah.
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