
By Cr055ie

Lemn Sissay

Well what a day we have had.  Mya and I set off this morning for Woodhall Spa, got a mile or so down the road and had to come back.  the engine management light had come on in the car and I wasn't prepared to risk driving with it.  So to the garage to drop car in.  Walk home and liberated him indoors vehicle.  We did get to Woodhall Spa in time. 

Mya was co-delivering a workshop at the Virtual Schools Conference.   the young people were inspiring and gave the teachers and others present some real food for thought.

After lunch we were suppose to be coming home, but we had met Lenm Sissay, Poet and Playwright, broadcaster and general good egg.   We rearranged our plans with a little help from some wonderful friends and got to stay for his inspiring lecture.  He read out a couple of his poems and I have to say I will be seeking more of the out.  I won't have to look far initially as he gave Mya and the other young people involved in their workshops a signed copy of his book "Gold from the Stone".  I;m sure if I ask nicely she will let me borrow it.

Camera club this evening and the judging of the still life PDI competition.  My photograph of Josh and Phil's boots with the intertwines laces got second place.  I am quite pleased with that. 

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