Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

More Snow

What a day! Woke up and there was only a light dusting of snow. Left for work and it was snowing heavily. By the time I reached the motorway you could only see the car in front, everyone ignored the lanes, we were in one long queue. Didn't go faster than 45mph. Pulled off the motorway, onto the next road and the car wouldn't stop or slow down, or allow me to change lanes and I slid over 500 yards, into the edge of the car at the back of the queue at the roundabout. Luckily the damage was minimal but I was pretty shaken. 

When everything was sorted out I carried on, only just managing to get up the hill to work, as one of the cars in front got stuck. This was the view by the office - completely covered in snow.

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