Snow Poodle

New snow - again! Awesome!! My eleven o’clock walkie was so much fun. Along the basic walkie are lots of big trees - I mean really big - so we played Hide and seek. Mum and Heidi took turns hiding behind a tree, and I had to find them. Brilliant! I also ran back and forth between them, super happy. The best walk ever!

Then the humans had decided to go out for lunch and to visit the Swedish Air Force museum that is situated just outside Linköping. It sounded boring to me, except for lunch of course, so all for the best that I stayed at home and snoozed. It turned out, however, that they 1. had had super delicious wild boar Wallenbergers (NO doggy bag) for lunch, and 2. there was an exhibition about how animals have helped humans during wars. I sort of wish I could have come...

I got a very good compensation for the fact that they forgot to bring a doggie bag. A beef patty was taken out from the freezer and I got my name spelled in meat AND cheese! Very very nice.

Tons of airplanes in Heidi’s blip:

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