my little painting set up...
I've turned the dining room table into my make shift painting area! A cheap plastic table cloth keeps the table clean, the lovely tulips i bought the first day here are still offering their beauty...and using the under painted pieces i did before i left home, i happily painted away yesterday.
it's a rather grey and cloudy day today, there has been rain, but it seems to have stopped so perhaps a walk by the water later on.
It is always such a bitter sweet experience.....loving being here with my daughter, such a joy to just spend time with her and talk about her life etc. but i miss my man and his warm body beside me! but that is only very briefly, mostly i'm just so content to be here knowing that i will spend the evening with Bronwyn. And joyous experiences continue, because Morgan arrives this evening and the 3 of us will have the next 3 days together! so i will cook some quiche for our dinner - here at my little apartment - then Bronwyn and i will go to her ball hockey game, and i'll get to watch her. then we pick up Morgan!
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