What the???
The forecast had been for a mix of rain and snow throughout the day. We saw nothing at all so I decided that it would be a nice time to go for a walk after work. I did not see much so I suspect that there was a raptor close by and the birds were being cautious. However, I did run into a fair number of wild turkey hens that followed me through the path in the woods. I felt like a pied piper so videotaped them. I think sometimes I am amused much too easily ; )
Then I went into a deeper section of the woods where I know the deer like to go when the weather is nasty. Lo and behold, I ran into the bachelors (wild turkeys) who must have been discussing who would be the lead toms and which jakes would follow which tom (it's a turkey thing). I was videotaping them when one tom ran up to me and startled me! The video is hilarious when he turns a little to the left and I see that it is Ol' One Eye!! This is the fourth winter that I have seen him, so he is doing quite well! See extra as I was able to get a full body shot of him. I made sure to give him a handful of seed out of my hand as the other turkeys are quick to push him away if I put seed on the ground.
At this time, the freezing rain began pinging off my parka so I decided to head back to my car. Along the way, he changed to rain, then snow, then a mix....crazy weather and it was hard walking with a soaked parka! Along the way, I spotted a pair of cardinals in a tree so gave them a little handful of seed on a stump. My main blip is the female who had such a sad expression on her face...or so I imagined! I felt the same way about the weather.... Not complaining though, as at least we have power and don't have to shovel!
One more day of work for me before holidays!!!! Thank you for sending my Red-Bellied to the popular page! : ))
D x
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