Roll call

Long day today - started off with a workshop run by the Development Trust Association to find out what is required to take over the running of a Civic Centre should one's local council decide that they can no longer continue running it (asking for a friend....).  Really interesting day, if a bit scary for the fledgling Dollar Community Development Trust.  Then this evening I was at the Dollar Golf Club for a meeting with some of the Dollar businesses to discuss how we can support each other to keep the town centre thriving.  The golf course goes back to 1906 and every champion since then is listed on these lovely wooden panels.  Oddly, the panels are not in chronological order - possibly because they have just had the walls repainted and they've been put back up in the wrong order?  I love the glowing polished wood, and the way the letters get fainter the further back in time you go....past glories fading gently away...

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