Not another snow blip...
It's the last one, I promise. This morning, I attempted my normal route to work, via the end of our road. Jon had managed it yesterday and said he didn't think my car would get stuck, as that bit of snow in the middle had melted a bit. He was right, I didn't get stuck. But I did drive very slowly as I could hear my exhaust scraping on the hard compacted snow. I didn't chance it this evening and came home the other way!
Work has been extremely busy. Yesterday it gave me a headache and I didn't want that again today. I did my best to clear important things but was determined to leave earlier and was out by 4.30.
At lunchtime I did have a wander round. I bought Henry a new sweatshirt. There is a story behind why. Today was 'mufti' day at school (the school version of dress down day) but it was a last minute decision to have it today. Consequently Henry's hoody wasnt clean and he said he didn't have anything else to wear. He washed the hoody last night and hung it in the airing cupboard, but although he insisted it was dry enough to wear, even with persistent ironing, the hood, cuffs and bottom were dark with wet, not just damp. He was cross that I wouldn't let him wear it. I felt guilty that he didn't have enough clothes and went to tkmaxx to see what I could find. He is growing but never asks for anything, and doesn't tell me if he has grown out of clothes. I think it must be a teenage boy thing!
He says he likes the new jumper anyway!
Jon should be home by 7. He left home at before 6am and has been down to the south coast again. It's the last time he will need to go to that job.
I'll be going out to tap tonight after being snowed off last week.
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