
By Minimimi

halloween approaches...

so my birthday gets nearer, as does halloween...
starting to get the fear of being old, and having wasted the last 27 years of my life....
feel like i ought to do something mad, like a bungee jump, or an impromptu trip around the world, or jump from a plane, or even more terrifying-get married, ha!
so excited about my party on fri-should be great. weve got plenty of booze, and im making plenty of scran, so, hopefully all will go well!
only wish clairey and scotty could make it, but nevermind...such is life...
off to work from 3pm till 1am today. absolute pish.
cant be fucked.
want to tidy the messy house and relax watching dexter and/or star trek, and have a couple of glasses of vino.
but no can do.
got to get up at 830 in the morning to go back to work...
cant wait to have a day off like.
3 days and counting....

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