An Officer of the Council

My brother phoned me yesterday - an unusual occurrence in and of itself - because he's finally got around to applying for a passport and he needed some information. Apparently if you leave it until later in life (he's 43) they make you jump through hoops to prove you're who you claim to be. Anyway, we could work out the date of my parents Wedding Day - which just happened to coincide with the launch of Radio One – with the help of Google but had no idea of my Dad's Birthday (he died when I was eleven and my memory's pretty ropy at the best of times) so I had to engage in a bit of archive searching. The upshot is it turns out to have been the 3rd of March - that is, the very day that my brother called to ask. Just a little bit spooky. Also, scarily enough, he would have been 82 this year, which makes me feel very old indeed...

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