
By Nairnite

Dying Hydranger

The deed was done yesterday.

The ivy over the front door came down, thankfully without taking off the harling. We now have loads of homeless sparrows parading around the garden.

The more militant left and right wing elements (get it) have placards pronouncing themselves "Front Door 'S T A I R's' (Sparra Team Against Ivy Ripper's)' and other such Acronyms. I was amused by the leftist slogan, "Down with the Ivy League". No doubt they will now claim Squatters Rights in the bespoke appartments located in the other 300+ feet of 6 foot hedging along the bottom of the garden. Once again they will demand feeding and watering every morning throughout the winter period. This will have to be at specific times and protests will no doubt be vociforous if I am just the slightest bit delayed.

A very grey misty damp morning this morning. The type of day that has had all colour sucked out of it. You feel as though 'The Dementors' have just passed by. Thankfully this Hydranger, although in its dying days still had a little colour for me to capture.

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