
By Stuart9613


Today has been mainly taken up delivering into Shropshire a large delivery of Mothers Day planters and a few Prims.
The demand for Prims is usually high on the build up to Mothering Sunday but not this year.The crop looks good but we have passed some by because of the mild winter causing them to flower far too early.

Crossed the new Mersey crossing for the first time today.It is a very fine bridge and much faster than the old one used to be.Paid the toll on getting back to the nursery.

Helen has caught up with last weeks sowing and has started pricking out the first batch of Tomatoes.

In the pic are some seagulls taken at a very slow shutter speed and converted to a high key grainy black and white.I liked the sense of movement.

Thank you for all the comments and I shall try and reply and catch up with what everyone has been doing shortly.

Mild and overcast.

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