Winter Wonderland

As I predicted, the wet heavy snow was a bear to shovel. What I hadn't anticipated however, was the office being closed today due to a power outage caused by yesterday's snow. Unfortunately I had to get a couple of files sent out for a client.  That meant going into the dark office to retrieve my computer workstation, driving it home and setting it up on the dining room table so I could offload the files and post them to an ftp site.  Mission accomplished!  Then we were off to Cleveland to bring my daughter home for her week long spring break.  

I had some time to kill this morning before I could get into the building so I took a walk through the Zoo with my camera.  The trees were gorgeous with all of the snow stuck to them.  Unfortunately the sky was pretty grey when I was out.  Later in the day the cloud cover broke.  While the blue sky and sun were beautiful and a welcome change, it quickly began to cause snow and ice to fall from trees, buildings and power lines!

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