today is the first day...

By firstday

Raindrops on roses

Been lashing all day, news reports all around about flooded roads. Not a bad time of year to be stuck inside I suppose..

Uncovered my scar this morning, exactly what I expected, still made me sad. Only natural really. Not superhuman after all. I then blow dryed my hair and decided to research cold caps, a method of cooling the head before, during and after chemotherapy in order to prevent some hair loss. Actually sounds like a form of torture, prolonging the appointment by two hours, painfully and not necessarily completely successful. So I then had a quick Google of headscarves..gave myself a talking to, and took Luka for a very slushy walk round the hill in the rain. Bacon sarnies with Mum and Jo. An episode of 6 feet under and back on track.

Seem to be hungry all the time, haven't taken any painkillers since this morning, they make me feel a bit queasy and havent missed them. Going to have to cut down on eating all the yummy snacks people give me!! Wedding dress to fit into! 32 days!!

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