As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


The JV Boys don't get enough credit, so here they are!

Quiz in English, frustration and reminiscing in Italian, and power-walking in gym. We had a sub in APUSH and just did quiet class work. In math we had another fire drill (we had one in Italian too) and after school I had a BNL meeting. Today was the first meet that we had perfect weather. We ran at 4:58 and I'm extremely frustrated with myself. 18:01. Yes, it is an all-time PR (my previous best was 18:02) but I JUST WANT TO GO UNDER 18!!! Oh, and by the way, our coach has pneumonia in both lungs.

Court of Honor tonight for Boy Scouts, where I received my Bronze Palm.

I can't wait to go to MYO tomorrow.

Word of the Day: Acephalous - Without a leader of ruler

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