Shepard Fairey originals.

George bought these at Shep Fairey's art exhibition in LA. I think they look absolutely fantastic.

Short trip to LA coming to a close at an alarming rate.

Thought today was going to be my 1460th photo, but I did not factor in the 366 days of this year. So yesterday's it was. Fine. By. Me.

Home again. Restful. Snuggleful.

Thank you kindly, dear blippers, for the comment on my 1460th photo for Oct 20th. Means so much for the comments. I have totally withdrawn from the community since medical school started.
I am actually opting to upload blips right now instead of studying for Heme this week right now. Oops. Worth it. I'm sick of uploading a month's worth of photos.

It's official. I'm in love with Downtown LA. I think I mentioned that yesterday. Reminds me of Portland. (ha!)

Love you, West Coast!


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