Mad for Mallards
There are cases of the flu at work now. My main goal this week will be avoiding the nasty bug! After work, I decided to go check on the deer (which involves a long walk in the fresh win!). Yes, I did see the deer but when I stopped by the pond, the Mallards stole the show...and the blip!
I was first attracted to watching the ducks diving. Mallards dive???? My mother said, "Oh yes, they love to eat reeds under the water so they are always dipping their heads under." No, I am quite familiar with their typical eating behaviour, this was a dive, I mean serious, merganser style dive. Very odd to watch...and fascinating.
Then the fight broke out. Do take a peek at the extra as I struggled with which one to have as my main blip (beauty shot won...). The two drakes were circling, biting, quacking, and doing everything they could to vie for the attentions of little missy, who casually watched from a safe distance! OY!
Mr. Handsome was preening (hopefully, for a strong, confident Mrs) when he spotted me taking his photo. I believe I got a little cheeky look with a little smile. Flirty, I'd say.... ; )
Enough silliness. It was tons of fun. I hope you all had an equally enjoyable day : ))
D x
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