
By Chiaroscuro

Men on their way to having a "jol"!

A "jol" is a short descriptive term meaning: lots of fun.

An off-road trip has been planned, and at last the moment of truth has arrived!
After a hearty breakfast, these four are ready for an off road trip to commence.  This will take them on a week long journey into fairly (very) rugged 4X4 terrain.
For those in the know: Baviaanskloof as well as Gamkaskloof: these routes are not for the faint hearted.

Yes, they do have a small first aid kit, matches, lip ice, a few spanners, patch and solution, a pot to make boiling water for a cup of coffee, and  the likes! I guess I am joking, and poking fun at them.

They are all  seasoned riders, except for one, and have done this tripon numerous occassions in the past.

Serious casualties happened in the past,  but none of these were deterrent enough to quench the spirit of adventure.  Broken ribs, knee injuries and torn ham strings can mend . . .

After hundreds of kilometers over the next five days, we hope to welcome them home: tired, dirty, hungry - but happy and content. And  l-o-t-s to talk about!


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