
Yes indeed, you are correct in seeing a pair of ropes, pink skipping ropes, my newly acquired skipping ropes. I have regressed deeper into childhood and taken up again the activity that occupied 5 years of my life between the ages of 5 and 10. I skipped solo, I skipped while running, I skipped with other people over a rope ‘cawed’ by two people, I spent most of my outside time skipping, and with no TV or IT technology anywhere near the horizon, it was a much healthier childhood than most of that age group today.
My skipping today is not yet as proficient as back then, nor will you find me skipping up or down Middle Meadow Walk. I have some decorum left.

My extra image is of the huge snowball fight yesterday afternoon in the Meadows........ and no I wasn’t involved- too busy skipping!

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