Orchid in an orb
Spent a very enjoyable time at the hospital in A&E in Newport from. Midnight to nearly 10.00 am NOT.
Went there because I had a pain in my chest and my cyst had flared up. At first they weren't bothered about the cyst they were more concerned with the pain in my chest at first they thought if might of been a slight heart attack but when they did another two E.C.G and they were reading normal they turned to the cyst that's when they found out I had a abyss on top of the cyst so they decided to drain it that was about 8.00am this morning they drained about half a pint of puss and liquids out of it at the moment its very sore but they said within a couple of hours it will start to ease off, although painful it's a different type of pain it's not drawing or throbbing any more.
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