Walk In The Snow

School was closed again, the buses were still off, TT’s work  was still closed – and worst of all, my usual Friday morning run was off.  We also had to cancel lunch arrangements, as the friends who were coming to visit couldn’t get here.  I did have to get up and out though, as I had a medical appointment.  I left BB snuggled under a duvet on the sofa and  TT in bed, as he has come down with some kind of man flu.  I trudged down town – the worst part was getting along our road, where the pavements haven’t been cleared.  Once I got onto the road down into town it was much easier and I passed Council workmen out with shovels clearing pavements – I heard one comment to the another that it was warm work!

Medical appointment done, I decided to brave the supermarket as we only had a drop of milk left.  It was like a communist era shopping experience, but I was lucky enough to get one of the last bottles of milk that they had.  Shelves were starting to look empty, but there were loads of courgettes! I met a few friends on my way home and their first question was did you get milk, the second being – is there any left? I could probably sell it on the black market.

I came home and finished sewing up my hat and made a pom pom to go on it – I reckon I haven’t made a pom pom since I was about ten years old! After lunch BB and I went out for a snow walk – going round by the river – which was frozen in parts, and back through town, which was deserted, with many shops still closed.  We popped into the supermarket to find something for TT’s sore throat and I noticed that it was even emptier  – though I did get what I went in for.

TT and I watched Paddington the movie, then as Scouts were off, BB and TT watched another movie.  That’s what snow days are for.

Here is a snowy scene by the river.  The extras are BB modelling my new hat and a wonderful snow eagle by the river, which you can just see in my main blip.

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